The Real Manifesting™ Program
Manifesting your desires is much easier when you
turn your mind into a high performing manifesting machine!
♦ Hello beautiful, sensitive soul! ♦
I’m so excited that you’re ready to gain control of your emotions and empathic abilities, move past your challenges, and manifest an aligned, happy life.
As an ambitious, highly sensitive and empathic woman, you’ve got big dreams and aspirations, and you are self-motivated, which means you’ve achieved success in your life and career already.
And you're ready to solve your problems NOW, and invest in your future.
I know that you’re ready to overcome worry, anxiety and sensory overwhelm.
You feel SO much energy and emotions, which can hold you back or stop you from fulfilling your goals and purpose.
It’s time to share your gifts (Yes, you’ll still have enough energy and a balanced life!) and make a greater impact in the world. You’ll finally gain control, feel grounded, and feel peaceful.
It can feel challenging to create the life you want when you feel too much energy from everything and everyone. It can feel like your thoughts and emotions are taking you over.
This leads to feeling negative, disconnected, or exhausted.
That’s why I’ve created the Real Manifesting™ program. It’s for introverted, highly sensitive and empathic women who are motivated and ready to do what it takes to move past their challenges, and create a life that supports their unique needs.
What’s Real Manifesting™?
Real Manifesting™ is a down-to-earth approach to create your reality by activating your subconscious mind. This gives you sustainable and long lasting results!
Imagine a life with more joy, self-acceptance, confidence, and energy - feeling in control of your emotions and empathic gifts.
Without feeling too much energy from everything and everyone, running on overdrive and autopilot, seeing yourself as too sensitive, or suppressing your sensitive nature to fit in.
Without feeling overwhelmed and wanting to withdraw from people or life. Not feeling like you’re good enough, or feeling like you may be rejected for revealing “too much” of your true self.
Without ineffective self-help techniques, having to be positive all the time, being grateful constantly, affirmations, meditating, manifesting on a mountaintop, keeping your vibration high, ineffective shielding, books, or other practices.
You’ll transform quickly, and best of all, you’ll take inspired action and use your gifts as a force for good in the world. You’ll feel more purposeful and you’ll partner with your sensitivity.
Here’s what makes The Real Manifesting™ Program so special.
It addresses your unique needs as a highly sensitive and spiritual woman.
Too much pressure to keep up with the demands of life, too much hustle, or too much of just doing things in your life because “that’s the way it’s done,” no longer works for you.
You’re ready to make your needs a priority.
You’ll map out your life to embrace how you function optimally in the world, so you will stop feeling overwhelmed and depleted.
And that’s why your Real Manifesting™ Program was intentionally created with your unique needs in mind. It conforms to how you operate internally.
I’ve had HSP’s and empaths tell me time and time again that “people-ing” exhausts them…
🤍 Even if they like or love the people they’re interacting with.
🤍 And even if they sought out the interactions!
They also tell me that they require tons of down time to process their thoughts and feelings.
That’s why I’ve structured the Real Manifesting™ program to meet all your needs for limited interaction with people, and lots of down time for self-reflection, but with all the support you could ever need or want.
And it utilizes an integrated approach using hypnosis and spiritual healing work, customized specifically to your challenges and desires - and all you have to do is listen to shift and change for the better.
You’ll honor your unique needs and activate your subconscious mind to stop living on autopilot.
As a master hypnotist, I’m able to help you tap into the unlimited potential inside your mind, and help you connect with your intuition and spiritual gifts on a deeper level.
Did you know that hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools for highly sensitive and empathic women who want to overcome their challenges?
It’s hands down one of the best tools for rapid transformation, and deep emotional and spiritual work. That’s why I’ve included it in your program.
It's time to master your mind and emotions, and get spiritually grounded. When you do, you’ll maximize your ability to stop taking on other people’s energy or negativity, and control your empathic gifts.
It’s time to stop letting your challenges hold you back and reveal the highest version of yourself.
You’re investing in your future.
You want to know that your life will change as a result of joining this program.
Here are just some of the shifts you can expect…
🤍 You’ll overcome your limiting beliefs and you’ll know how to regulate your thoughts and emotions. This will naturally create energetic boundaries because your beliefs will shift, allowing you to overcome negativity easily.
🤍 You’ll feel present in your body, in a way that you may not have experienced before. You’ll embody a sense of confidence and self-assurance, and manifest in a sustainable way.
🤍 You’ll stop overgiving and make your needs a priority. You’ll get past your block wall - opening the floodgates for more peace, inspiration, and happiness.
The deep-rooted emotions you’ve experienced will have dissolved, clearing a space inside of you for greater intuition and spiritual connection.
You'll begin to create a foundation where your life will energize you and give you more support and abundance.
It will become an expression of you, and work in harmony with your sensitive nature.
And you’ll continue to shift and change as you quickly...
🤍 You’ll leave behind the soul-crushing feeling of negativity and fear.You'll eliminate negative patterns and easily overcome obstacles.
🤍 You’ll leave behind that awful sinking feeling of doubting yourself. You’ll no longer feel you’re out of alignment with, or not moving towards your big dream goals.
🤍 You’ll have much more control of your sensitivities and empathic abilities. And you’ll become a loving force for yourself first, then sharing your love with others in a more balanced way.
As an empathic woman, I really understand how hard it can be to build a life that supports your sensitivities and empathic needs.
I’ve had to overcome many challenges in my life, and I’m sure you have to.
I’ve suffered from severe sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, the loss of my father to suicide at a young age, a near death experience, and I’m estranged from my family. My two adult children, who I would do anything for, have struggled with disability their entire lives. Plus, I’m an intuitive empath myself. So I’ve been in the trenches with my issues.
I went to work on myself because I deserve to have a good life. I tried mindset work, therapy, affirmations, being positive, meditation, self-help books, and more.
It wasn’t until I tried hypnosis that everything changed for me. I stopped painting over a dirty fence with techniques that required more of my conscious effort but didn’t come close to cutting the mustard.
It was long lasting, and I transformed fast. Now, I’m a master of my thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and empathic abilities. I wake up feeling happier and I know exactly what to do to help myself feel great and reach my goals.
I went on to support over 100,000 people with their spiritual development, and I've done over 1,500 deep level hypnosis, energy healing, and empath instructional sessions for my clients. What this means is that I'll be able to help you resolve your challenges and reach your goals quickly.
Hypnosis is simply a focused state of attention that allows your subconscious mind to manifest big changes for you. It will help you accept yourself, feel self-assured, and instantly calm your loud mind, release limiting and ingrained beliefs, and reach your big goals fast.
You'll quickly overcome your challenges and create an inner blueprint of success, which means you'll be more, have more, and do more - in a way that is authentic and aligned with your highest aspirations - without all the hustle and grind.
Here’s what’s possible for you...
♦ “I had great plans, but I kept getting stuck in overwhelm, spinning my wheels, and this was causing me a lot of frustration. I can’t express enough how delighted I am at the transformation I feel deep within me. Overwhelm and lack of focus–your time is up!” Catherine Treble
♦ “I’m totally blown away. This is a remarkable program. As an empath, I have looked for answers through church, through therapy, through counseling, through lots of reading, and doing a lot of inner work. You can’t change your life, meaning you can’t repaint a room and expect to feel better about things in the morning. But when you change your mind, then the rest of your life unfolds from that. I can’t wait to pick every bit of information in that brilliant woman’s mind and live my life to the fullest, rather than under the shadows of the traumas that I’ve lived through. The program is awesome. It’s absolutely awesome.” Laurie K
♦ “I took her program, and it was worth every penny, and in the process (unexpectedly) I have discovered my own intuitive abilities as an empath. I feel nothing short of a temporal shift in my life. It's as if all the doors that had once been closed are beginning to open, and I am recognizing the changes and the opportunities afforded to me with a new confidence. All I can say is, invest in yourself, no item is more precious.” J.T.
♦ “Taking Aunet’s program is the best thing I’ve done in my life, ever, and I’ve done everything. I’ve seen numerous healers, holistic, western medical, I’ve been to sacred sites, I’ve seen John of God, I’ve seen the most enlightened people, I’ve traveled the world to find peace and I did not find it until I took this program - no matter what modality I tried, or where I traveled to get help. I’ve been meditating for 20 years, been on antidepressants, herbs, acupuncture, you name it, I’ve done it to try to gain control of my empathic feelings."
“I’m so excited because now I’m living my life fully. I just can’t say enough about it. You’ll get more bang for your buck than you can ever imagine. You’ll be a much happier person and life won’t be so challenging.” Debbie Rybak.
Imagine having a happy life where you feel relaxed and confident - and you embrace your sensitive nature.
Are you looking for help to go from overwhelmed and anxious to successful and empowered?
Why not schedule a call now to take the first step in breaking through your barriers and reach your goals?
Here's what we'll accomplish during your FREE call:
⬖ We will clearly identify your hidden blocks that sabotage your greater success and happiness.
⬖ You’ll learn the one mindset shift that will get you on the path to genuine self-acceptance.
⬖ You’ll discover the first step to take when you feel overwhelmed by your emotions.
⬖ You’ll discover the common mistake spiritual people make that keeps you from developing your spiritual gifts more fully.
⬖ We'll determine the biggest step you can take right now to get what you want.
❤️ The next step for you to take is to book a time on my calendar. It's a simple action to take, and it represents EVERYTHING that’s possible for you.
I'm happy to help you on your FREE call and if you'd like to take things further, I'll share how I can help.
Talk to you soon!
Amunet :)